Online Technical Writing Chapter Quiz:
Report Format

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  1. The first page inside the covers of the report is the:
    Front cover
    Title page
    Transmittal letter

  2. Linespacing for the technical report is:
    Doublespacing for all components
    Singlespacing for all components
    Doublespacing for the body text; singlespacing for most of the front- and back-matter components
    Singlespacing for the body text; doublespacing for most of the front- and back-matter components

  3. Which order is correct for these three components?
    Table of contents, title page, list of figures
    Title page, table of contents, list of figures
    List of figures, title page, table of contents

  4. The descriptive abstract appears on which of the following components?
    Title page
    List of figures
    Abstract page (on its own page)
    Table of contents

  5. Which of the following is the best definition of the descriptive abstract?
    A summary of the most important facts and conclusions in the body of the report
    An overview of the main contents of the report--the topics covered in the report
    Technical background for the report--information that may be needed by some readers to help them understand the main body of the report
    An introduction to the main body of the report

  6. The informative abstract appears on which of the following components?
    Title page
    List of figures
    Abstract page (on its own page)
    Table of contents

  7. Which of the following is a good definition of the informative abstract?
    A summary of the most important facts and conclusions in the body of the report
    An overview of the main contents of the report--the topics covered in the report
    Technical background for the report--information that may be needed by some readers to help them understand the main body of the report
    An introduction to the main body of the report

  8. Which of the following describes the style for page numbers in the parts of the report before the body of the report?
    Arabic numerals
    Uppercase Roman numerals
    Lowercase Roman numerals

  9. Which of the following describes the style for page numbers in the body (main text) of the report?
    Arabic numerals
    Uppercase Roman numerals
    Lowercase Roman numerals

  10. What page number is the title page; is it displayed (does it actually appear printed on the page)?
    It is "i"; it does not appear.
    It is "1"; it does not appear.
    It is "i"; it does appear.
    It is "1"; it does appear.
    It is not considered a page of the report and therefore is not numbered.

  11. What page number is the first page of the introduction; is it displayed?
    It is "i"; it does not appear.
    It is "1"; it does not appear.
    It is "i"; it does appear.
    It is "1"; it does appear.
    It is not considered a page of the report and therefore is not numbered.

  12. What page number is the transmittal letter; is it displayed?
    It is "ii"; it does not appear.
    It is "2"; it does not appear.
    It is "i"; it does appear.
    It is "1"; it does appear.
    It is not considered a page of the report and therefore is not numbered.

  13. If each section in the front matter of the report were one page long, what page number would the informative abstract be?

  14. As you know, a page called the appendix divider page separates the front part of the report from the back matter of the report. What page number is that page, and is that number displayed?
    It is page 32, but this page number is not displayed.
    It is page 32, and this page number is displayed.
    It is the next page number following the conclusion; it is not displayed.
    It is the next page number following the conclusion; it is displayed.
    It is not considered a page of the report and therefore is not numbered.

  15. Quite often in the technical reports written for this course, the appendix contains only one component. What is it?
    The list of information sources used to write the report
    The list of figures (illustrations, tables, etc.) and the page numbers on which those figures occur in the report
    Statistical information that is too large and cumbersome for the body of the report

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