Online Technical Writing Chapter Quiz:

Answer the questions in this quiz to see how well you've read and understood the chapter headings. Feel free to link back and forth between the chapter on headings and this quiz to check your answers.

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  1. Click on each of the basic design elements that characterize first-level headings:
    All capital letters
    Initial capital letters (headline-style caps)
    First-word-only caps (sentence-style caps)
    Centered on the page
    Placed on the left margin
    Run into the paragraph
    Bold or underlined
    No highlighting (no bold, italics, or underscore)
    No punctuation at the end of the heading
    Ends with a colon
    Ends with a period

  2. Click on each of the basic design elements that characterize second-level headings:
    All capital letters
    Initial capital letters (headline-style caps)
    First-word-only caps (sentence-style caps)
    Centered on the page
    Placed on the left margin
    Run into the paragraph
    Bold or underlined
    No highlighting (no bold, italics, or underscore)
    No punctuation at the end of the heading
    Ends with a colon
    Ends with a period

  3. Click on the basic design elements that characterize third-level headings:
    All capital letters
    Initial capital letters (headline-style caps)
    First-word-only caps (sentence-style caps)
    Centered on the page
    Placed on the left margin
    Run into the paragraph
    Bold or underlined
    No highlighting (no bold, italics, or underscore)
    No punctuation at the end of the heading
    Ends with a colon
    Ends with a period

  4. Take a look at the text for question 4 and identify which common heading problem occurs there:
    Lack of parallelism
    "Stacked" headings (no text between two or more headings)
    "Lone" heading (only one heading within a section)
    Capitalization style not to the format shown in the headings chapter
    Punctuation style not to the format shown in the headings chapter
    Vertical or horizontal placement on the page not to the format shown in the headings chapter
    In the text following the heading, a pronoun refers to the heading

  5. Take a look at the text for question 5 (this question) and identify which common heading problem occurs there:
    Lack of parallelism
    "Stacked" headings (no text between two or more headings)
    "Lone" heading (only one heading within a section)
    Capitalization style not to the format shown in the headings chapter
    Punctuation style not to the format shown in the headings chapter
    Vertical or horizontal placement on the page not to the format shown in the headings chapter
    In the text following the heading, a pronoun refers to the heading

  6. Take a look at the text for question 6 (this question) and identify which common heading problem occurs there:
    Lack of parallelism
    "Stacked" headings (no text between two or more headings)
    "Lone" heading (only one heading within a section)
    Capitalization style not to the format shown in the headings chapter
    Punctuation style not to the format shown in the headings chapter
    Vertical or horizontal placement on the page not to the format shown in the headings chapter
    In the text following the heading, a pronoun refers to the heading

  7. Take a look at the text for question 7 (this question) and identify which common heading problem occurs there:
    Lack of parallelism
    "Stacked" headings (no text between two or more headings)
    "Lone" heading (only one heading within a section)
    Capitalization style not to the format shown in the headings chapter
    Punctuation style not to the format shown in the headings chapter
    Vertical or horizontal placement on the page not to the format shown in the headings chapter
    In the text following the heading, a pronoun refers to the heading

  8. Take a look at the text for question 8 (this question) and identify which common heading problem occurs there:
    Lack of parallelism
    "Stacked" headings (no text between two or more headings)
    "Lone" heading (only one heading within a section)
    Capitalization style not to the format shown in the headings chapter
    Punctuation style not to the format shown in the headings chapter
    Vertical or horizontal placement on the page not to the format shown in the headings chapter
    In the text following the heading, a pronoun refers to the heading

  9. Take a look at the text for question 9 (this question) and decide where to place the heading and then what level is should be:
    • Text for the heading: Masks
      Spot 1
      Spot 2
      Spot 3
    • Level for for the heading:
      First level
      Second level
      Third level

  10. Take a look at the text for question 10 (this question) and decide where to place the heading and then what level is should be:
    • Text for the heading: Function of BCDs
      Spot 1
      Spot 2
      Spot 3
      Spot 4
    • Level for the heading:
      First level
      Second level
      Third level

  11. Take a look at the text for question 11 (this question) and decide which of the following headings belongs at spot 1 and what level it should be:
    • Possibilities for headings at spot 1:
      Tank valves
    • Level for the heading:
      First level
      Second level
      Third level

  12. Take a look at the text for question 12 (this question) and decide which of the following headings belongs at spot 2 and what level it should be:
    • Possibilities for headings at spot 2:
      Installing the Device Driver Software
      Preparing the Software for Installation
      OS/2 Device Drivers: Technical Background
    • Level for the heading:
      First level
      Second level
      Third level

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