Online Technical Writing:
Strategies for Peer-Reviewing and Team-Writing

Note: I'm still gathering information for this section; stay tuned...

Peer-reviewing (also called peer-editing) means people getting together to read, comment on, and recommend improvements on each other's work. Peer-reviewing is a good way to become a better writer because it provides experience in looking critically at writing.

Team-writing, as its name indicates, means people getting together to plan, write, and revise writing projects as a group, or team. Another name for this practice is collaborative writing-collaborative writing that is out in the open rather than under cover (where it is known as plagiarism).

Strategies for peer-reviewing

When you peer-review another writer's work, you evaluate it, criticize it, suggest improvements, and then communicate all of that to the writer. As a first-time peer-reviewer, you might be a bit uneasy about criticizing someone else's work. For example, how do you tell somebody his essay is boring? Read the discussion and steps that follow; you'll find advice and guidelines on doing peer reviews and communicating peer-review comments.

At the beginning of a peer review, provide your peer-reviewers with notes on the writing assignment and on your goals and concerns about your writing project. Alert reviewers to these problems; make it clear what kinds of things you were trying to do. Similarly, ask writers whose work you are peer-reviewing to supply you with information on their objectives and concerns. Figure 1 shows a cover note, attached to a rough draft, indicating to a peer-reviewer what to watch for.

Figure 1. Note to reviewers attached to the front of a draft for peer review. Provide your reviewers with an idea of your writing-project details (topic, audience, purpose, situation, type),and alert them to any problems or concerns.

Specifically, give peer-reviewers information on any of the following about which you think there may be problems:

When you peer-review other people's writing, remember above all that you should consider all aspects of that writing, not just--in fact, least of all--the grammar, spelling, and punctuation. If you are new to peer-reviewing, you may forget to review the draft for certain aspects:

Figure 2. Comprehensive checklist for the peer reviewer. Use a checklist like this one to make sure that in your peer review you consider the paper from every angle.

Figure 3. Excerpt from a peer-reviewed paper. Notice that the comments are fully explanatory and that the peer reviewer refrains from merely making corrections. Notice also that the peer reviewer includes positive comments.

Use the following suggestions to peer-review the rough draft in specific ways:


Once you've finished a peer review, it's a good idea to write a summary of your thoughts, observations, impressions, criticisms, or feelings about the rough draft. Figure 4 shows a note written by a peer-reviewer, summarizing her observations on a rough draft. Notice in the note some of the following details:

Figure 4. A note summarizing the results of a peer review. Spend some time summarizing your peer-review comments in a brief note to the writer. Be as diplomatic and sympathetic as you can!

Strategies for team-writing

As mentioned earlier in this chapter, team-writing is one of the common ways people in the worlds of business, government, science, and technology handle large writing projects.

When you begin picking team members for a writing project, choose people with different backgrounds and interests. Just as a diverse, well-rounded background for an individual writer is an advantage, a group of diverse individuals makes for a well-rounded writing team.

If you are the team leader, you might even ask prospective team members for their background, interests, majors, talents, and aptitudes. These following writing teams combine individuals with diverse backgrounds and interests:

Writing team 1
Project: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Team members            Backgrounds, skills, interests
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx	xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx	xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx	xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx         xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx	xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Writing team 2
Project: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Team members            Backgrounds, skills, interests
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx	xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx	xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx	xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx         xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx	xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Once you've assembled your writing team, most of the work is the same as it would be if you were writing by yourself, except that each phases is a team effort. Specifically, meet with your team to decide or plan the following:

Planning Stages

  • Analyze the writing assignment.
  • Pick a topic.
  • Define the audience, purpose, and writing situation.
  • Brainstorm and narrow the the topic.
  • Create an outline.
  • Plan the information search (for books, articles, etc., in the library).
  • Plan a system for taking notes from information sources.
  • Plan any graphics you'd like to see in your writing project.
  • Agree on style and format questions (see the following discussion).
  • Develop a work schedule for the project and divide the responsibilities (see the following).

Much of the work in a team-writing project must be done by individual team members on their own. However your team decides to divide up the work for the writing project, try for at least these minimum guidelines:

Some of the work for the project that could be done as a team you may want to do first independently. For example, brainstorming, narrowing, and especially outlining should be done first be each team member on his own; then get together and compare notes. Keep in mind how group dynamics can unknowingly suppress certain ideas and how less assertive team members might be reluctant to contribute their valuable ideas in the group context.

After you've divided up the work for the project, write a formal chart and distribute it to all the members.

Figure 5. Chart listing writing team members' responsibilities for the project

Early in your team writing project, set up a schedule of key dates. This schedule will enable you and your team members to make steady, organized progress and complete the project on time. As shown in Figure 6, include not only completion dates for key phases of the project but also meeting dates and the subject and purpose of those meetings. Notice these details about that schedule:

Figure 6. Schedule for a team writing project

When you work as a team, there is always the chance that one of the team members, for whatever reason, may have more or less than a fair share of the workload. Therefore, it's important to find a way to keep track of what each team member is doing. A good way to do that is to have each team member keep a journal or log of what kind of work he does and how much time he spends doing it. (See Figure 7 for an example of such a journal.)

Figure 7. Excerpt from a journal kept by a writing team member. Notice that details such as hours worked, type of work, pages read, page written are included.

At the end of the project, if there are any problems in the balance of the work, the journal should make that fact very clear. At the end of the project, team members can add up their hours spent on the project; if anyone has spent a little more than her share of time working, the other members can make up for it by buying her dinner or some reward like that. Similarly, as you get down toward the end of the project, if it's clear from the journals that one team member's work responsibilities turned out, through no fault of his own, to be smaller than those of the others, he can make up for it by doing more of the finish-up work such as typing, proofing, or copying.

Because the individual sections will be written by different writers who are apt to have different writing styles, set up a style guide in which your team members list their agreements on how things are to be handled in the paper as a whole. These agreements can range from the high level, such as xxxxxxxxxxxx, all the way down to picky details such as xxxxxxxxxxxx. Figure 8 shows an example of such a project style sheet.

Before you and your team members write the first rough drafts, you can't expect to cover every possible difference in style and format. Therefore, plan to update this style sheet when you review the rough drafts of the individual sections and, especially, when review the complete draft.

Figure 8. Style guide for a writing project. The items listed represent agreements team writers have made in order to give their paper as much consistency as possible.

Try to schedule as many reviews of your team's written work as possible. You can meet to discuss each other's rough drafts of individual sections as well as rough drafts of the complete paper. When you do meet, follow the suggestions for peer-editing discussed in the previous section of this chapter, "Steps for peer-reviewing."

A critical stage in team-writing a paper comes when you put together into one complete draft those individual sections written by different team members. It's then that you'll probably see how different in tone, treatment, and style each section is (see Figure 9 for an example.) You must as a group find a way to revise and edit the complete rough draft that will make it read consistently so that it won't be so obviously written by three or four different people.

Figure 9. An example of how different sections of a team-written report can be radically unlike each other. Notice how the tone, sentence length, paragraph length, word choice, and other details vary strikingly in this example.

When you've finished with reviewing and revising, it's time for the finish-up work to get the draft ready to hand in. That work is the same as it would be if you were writing the paper on your own, only in this case the workloads can be divided up.

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