Online Technical Writing Chapter Quiz:

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  1. According to the textbook, using lists is advantageous for a number of reasons. Click on each of the following that states one of those advantages:
    They emphasize key points.
    The emphasize the organization of the entire document in which they occur.
    They make it easier to following a sequence, such as steps in a procedure.
    They provide a graphical representation of the mechanisms discussed in a report.
    They break up extended blocks of straight text.
    They make it easier to return, find, and review key points.
    They alert readers to potentially dangerous situations in the text.

  2. According to the textbook, there are no universally agreed-upon rules as to when to use vertical as opposed to in-sentence lists. But the textbook does offer a guideline; which of the following is it?
    Use an in-sentence list when you want more emphasis on the list items than you would get with the vertical-list format.
    Use a vertical list when you want more emphasis on the list items than you would get with the in-sentence list format.
    Use an in-sentence when there are more than 5 list items.

  3. According to the textbook, there is strong general agreement on when to use numbered as opposed to bulleted vertical lists. Which of the following states that generally agreed-upon guideline?
    Use numbered lists when the items are in some required order; use bulleted lists when the items are in no necessary order.
    Use bulleted lists when the items are in some required order; use numbered lists when the items are in no necessary order.
    Actually, the textbook states that there is no agreement on when to use a bulleted list as opposed to a numbered list. All you can do is be consistent in your own use of them.

  4. In-sentence lists can use numbers or letters [for example, (1), (2), (3) or (a), (b), or (c)] within the parentheses. Which of the following states our textbook's guideline on which to use?
    The textbook states that there is no agreement on whether to use numbers or letters in in-sentence lists. All you can do is be consistent in your own use of them.
    The textbook states that you should use the numbers for in-sentence list items that are in some required order and letters for in-sentence list items that are in no required order.

  5. Take a look at the following ways in-sentence lists can be formatted, and then click on the format that is standard for our course, as shown in the textbook:

    Format A:

    Installing the OS/2 video driver for the Stealth SE involves four steps: (1)
    installing the video board, (2) obtaining the OS/2 driver files, (3)
    preparing the software for installation, and (4) installing the driver.
    Format B:
    Installing the OS/2 video driver for the Stealth SE involves four steps: 1)
    installing the video board, 2) obtaining the OS/2 driver files, 3)
    preparing the software for installation, and 4) installing the driver.
    Format C:
    Installing the OS/2 video driver for the Stealth SE involves four steps: (1.)
    installing the video board, (2.) obtaining the OS/2 driver files, (3.)
    preparing the software for installation, and (4.) installing the driver.

  6. Take a look at the following ways numbered vertical lists can be formatted, and then click on the format that is standard for our course, as shown in the textbook:

    Format A:

    To install the Stealth SE:
       1) Remove the video board, owner's manual, and software diskettes
          included with the board from their box.
       2) Carefully read the instructions included with the video board regarding
          installation of the board the accompanying software.
       3) Install the video board into your computer as indicated in the
       4) Install the software that came with the video board and test the board
          according to the instructions.
    Format B:
    To install the Stealth SE:
       1. Remove the video board, owner's manual, and software diskettes
          included with the board from their box.
       2. Carefully read the instructions included with the video board regarding
          installation of the board the accompanying software.
       3. Install the video board into your computer as indicated in the
       4. Install the software that came with the video board and test the board
          according to the instructions.
    Format C:
    To install the Stealth SE:
       1.) Remove the video board, owner's manual, and software diskettes
    included with the board from their box.
       2.) Carefully read the instructions included with the video board regarding
    installation of the board the accompanying software.
       3.) Install the video board into your computer as indicated in the
       4.) Install the software that came with the video board and test the board
    according to the instructions.
    Format D:
    To install the Stealth SE:
       (1) Remove the video board, owner's manual, and software diskettes
    included with the board from their box.
       (2) Carefully read the instructions included with the video board regarding
    installation of the board the accompanying software.
       (3) Install the video board into your computer as indicated in the
       (4) Install the software that came with the video board and test the board
    according to the instructions.

  7. Identify which of the following common list problems occurs in this question:
    Incorrect choice of bulleted or numbered list
    Lack of parallelism among the list items
    One or more list items not grammatical with the lead-in to the list
    Incorrect capitalization style
    Incorrect punctuation of list items
    Incorrect punctuation of the lead-in to the list
    Run-over lines in the list items not formatted correctly
    Lack of lead-in to the list
    Redundant, unnecessary text in the list items
    Heading used as lead-in to a list

  8. Identify which of the following common list problems occurs in this question:
    Incorrect choice of bulleted or numbered list
    Lack of parallelism among the list items
    One or more list items not grammatical with the lead-in to the list
    Incorrect capitalization style
    Incorrect punctuation of list items
    Incorrect punctuation of the lead-in to the list
    Run-over lines in the list items not formatted correctly
    Lack of lead-in to the list
    Redundant, unnecessary text in the list items
    Heading used as lead-in to a list

  9. Identify which of the following common list problems occurs in this question:
    Incorrect choice of bulleted or numbered list
    Lack of parallelism among the list items
    One or more list items not grammatical with the lead-in to the list
    Incorrect capitalization style
    Incorrect punctuation of list items
    Incorrect punctuation of the lead-in to the list
    Run-over lines in the list items not formatted correctly
    Lack of lead-in to the list
    Redundant, unnecessary text in the list items
    Heading used as lead-in to a list

  10. Identify which of the following common list problems occurs in this question:
    Incorrect choice of bulleted or numbered list
    Lack of parallelism among the list items
    One or more list items not grammatical with the lead-in to the list
    Incorrect capitalization style
    Incorrect punctuation of list items
    Incorrect punctuation of the lead-in to the list
    Run-over lines in the list items not formatted correctly
    Lack of lead-in to the list
    Redundant, unnecessary text in the list items
    Heading used as lead-in to a list

  11. Identify which of the following common list problems occurs in this question:
    Incorrect choice of bulleted or numbered list
    Lack of parallelism among the list items
    One or more list items not grammatical with the lead-in to the list
    Incorrect capitalization style
    Incorrect punctuation of list items
    Incorrect punctuation of the lead-in to the list
    Run-over lines in the list items not formatted correctly
    Lack of lead-in to the list
    Redundant, unnecessary text in the list items
    Heading used as lead-in to a list

  12. Identify which of the following common list problems occurs in this question:
    Incorrect choice of bulleted or numbered list
    Lack of parallelism among the list items
    Incorrect capitalization style
    Incorrect punctuation of list items
    Incorrect punctuation of the lead-in to the list
    Run-over lines in the list items not formatted correctly
    Lack of lead-in to the list
    Redundant, unnecessary text in the list items
    Heading used as lead-in to a list

  13. Identify which of the following common list problems occurs in this question:
    Incorrect choice of bulleted or numbered list
    Lack of parallelism among the list items
    One or more list items not grammatical with the lead-in to the list
    Incorrect capitalization style
    Incorrect punctuation of list items
    Incorrect punctuation of the lead-in to the list
    Run-over lines in the list items not formatted correctly
    Lack of lead-in to the list
    Redundant, unnecessary text in the list items
    Heading used as lead-in to a list

  14. Identify which of the following common list problems occurs in this question:
    Incorrect choice of bulleted or numbered list
    Lack of parallelism among the list items
    One or more list items not grammatical with the lead-in to the list
    Incorrect capitalization style
    Incorrect punctuation of list items
    Incorrect punctuation of the lead-in to the list
    Run-over lines in the list items not formatted correctly
    Lack of lead-in to the list
    Redundant, unnecessary text in the list items
    Heading used as lead-in to a list

  15. Identify which of the following common list problems occurs in this question:
    Incorrect choice of bulleted or numbered list
    Lack of parallelism among the list items
    One or more list items not grammatical with the lead-in to the list
    Incorrect capitalization style
    Incorrect punctuation of list items
    Incorrect punctuation of the lead-in to the list
    Run-over lines in the list items not formatted correctly
    Lack of lead-in to the list
    Redundant, unnecessary text in the list items
    Heading used as lead-in to a list

  16. Identify which of the following common list problems occurs in this question:
    Incorrect choice of bulleted or numbered list
    Lack of parallelism among the list items
    One or more list items not grammatical with the lead-in to the list
    Incorrect capitalization style
    Incorrect punctuation of list items
    Incorrect punctuation of the lead-in to the list
    Run-over lines in the list items not formatted correctly
    Lack of lead-in to the list
    Redundant, unnecessary text in the list items
    Heading used as lead-in to a list

  17. Identify which of the following common list problems occurs in this question:
    Incorrect choice of bulleted or numbered list
    Lack of parallelism among the list items
    One or more list items not grammatical with the lead-in to the list
    Incorrect capitalization style
    Incorrect punctuation of list items
    Incorrect punctuation of the lead-in to the list
    Run-over lines in the list items not formatted correctly
    Lack of lead-in to the list
    Redundant, unnecessary text in the list items
    Heading used as lead-in to a list

  18. Identify which of the following common list problems occurs in this question:
    Incorrect choice of bulleted or numbered list
    Lack of parallelism among the list items
    One or more list items not grammatical with the lead-in to the list
    Incorrect capitalization style
    Incorrect punctuation of list items
    Incorrect punctuation of the lead-in to the list
    Run-over lines in the list items not formatted correctly
    Lack of lead-in to the list
    Redundant, unnecessary text in the list items
    Heading used as lead-in to a list

  19. Identify which of the following common list problems occurs in this question:
    Incorrect choice of bulleted or numbered list
    Lack of parallelism among the list items
    One or more list items not grammatical with the lead-in to the list
    Incorrect capitalization style
    Incorrect punctuation of list items
    Incorrect punctuation of the lead-in to the list
    Run-over lines in the list items not formatted correctly
    Lack of lead-in to the list
    Redundant, unnecessary text in the list items
    Heading used as lead-in to a list

  20. Identify which of the following common list problems occurs in this question:
    Incorrect choice of bulleted or numbered list
    Lack of parallelism among the list items
    One or more list items not grammatical with the lead-in to the list
    Incorrect capitalization style
    Incorrect punctuation of list items
    Incorrect punctuation of the lead-in to the list
    Run-over lines in the list items not formatted correctly
    Lack of lead-in to the list
    Redundant, unnecessary text in the list items
    Heading used as lead-in to a list

  21. Identify which of the following common list problems occurs in this question:
    Incorrect choice of bulleted or numbered list
    Lack of parallelism among the list items
    One or more list items not grammatical with the lead-in to the list
    Incorrect capitalization style
    Incorrect punctuation of list items
    Incorrect punctuation of the lead-in to the list
    Run-over lines in the list items not formatted correctly
    Lack of lead-in to the list
    Redundant, unnecessary text in the list items
    Heading used as lead-in to a list

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