Answer the questions in this quiz to see how well you've read and understood the chapter. Feel free to link back and forth between the chapter on oral reports and this quiz to check your answers. When you're through, just click on SEND to check your answers. If you want to start over, just click on RESET! Your name Your social security number (use hyphens) Your Instructor Altanero Brooklyn College Feldmann McMurrey Other At the very beginning of an oral report in this class, you should do which of the following? Explain the background of your oral report topic, the technical issues underlying it. Tell members of the class who the audience is and what the situation is before beginning the actual oral report. Define the key technical terms you'll use in the oral report. In our class, the oral report should be how long? 7 minutes 15 minutes There is no set limit. According to the textbook, the introduction of an oral report should do which of the following? Define the key technical terms before beginning the main part of the report. Discuss technical background that will help the audience understand the main part of the oral report. Indicate the purpose of the oral report, give an overview of its contents, and find some way to interest the audience. Concerning the delivery style of an oral report: You should plan to speak a bit faster than normal to ensure that you get through all of your material. You should plan to speak a bit more slowly than normal to ensure that people understand you. When you use visuals in an oral report: You should orient the audience to them, explain them a bit, rather than just ignore the visuals. You can display them as an supplement, but you need not refer to them directly during your oral report. Concerning how you prepare the visuals for your oral report, the textbook argues that: The best approach is to print out what you want to show and then make transparencies of it. It's okay to write what you want to show on the chalkboard during your oral report. If an oral reporter verbally indicates that she has finished up her discussion of one topic and is moving onto another topic, she would be using a: Verbal heading Introduction Conclusion Transparency In this class (as in real-world oral reports), you must: Prepare cue cards and deliver your oral report using them. Use an outline to deliver your oral report. Write a script and read your script to the class. Use any preparation method that suits you, as long as you can be organized, understandable, and within the time limit. The textbook has this key point to make about conclusions to oral reports: You should plan the conclusion to an oral report like any other part of the oral report and avoid trailing off into a mumble. There is no need for a conclusion in an oral report, particularly one that is only 7 minutes long. You should avoid using the cliche "And in conclusion..." in an oral report. Based on your reading of the textbook, which of the following problems would be the worst for an oral report: Be nervous during your oral report, although people could understand you and everything else about your oral report was fine. Forget to have a real introduction where you indicate the topic and provide an overview of what you're going to cover. Speak more slowly than normal to ensure that people in the listening audience can understand you.
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