Online Technical Writing Chapter Quiz
Progress Reports

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  1. A progress report can be defined as:
    A document that reports on the research progress made over the past year in a particular field such as cancer research.
    A document that reports on the status of a project, for example, the work that has been completed, the work that is in progress, and the work that is planned.
    A document that explains how to operate a high-tech mechanism.
    A document that reports research findings--most importantly, the data gathered and the conclusions from that data.

  2. Which of the following is an example of a progress report?
    Bid to write training manuals for a health care corporation
    Presentation of the policies and procedures required by a health care corporation
    Report on research done to ascertain whether online multimedia training for health care professionals is a viable option
    Summary of the end-of-year-one status of a two-year project to develop multimedia-based training modules for healthcare professionals

  3. If a progress report described work completed in the preceding quarter of the year, work currently in progress this quarter, and work planned for the next quarter, it would be using which organizational approach?
    Time periods
    Project tasks
    Report topics

  4. If the main headings in a progress report focused on the main parts of the project and then within each of those sections discussed work completed, work in progress, and work planned for that particular part, it would be using which organizational approach?
    Time periods
    Project tasks
    Report topics

  5. The textbook states that in a year-long project there would be how many progress reports?

  6. If you were writing a brief progress report to a client (for example, you are an independent consultant doing a project for another firm), which of the following formats would you use?
    Business letter
    Cover memorandum with the progress report as a separate, attached document

  7. If you were doing a year-long project for your work supervisor (the project involving a feasibility study of some new technology your organization is considering), which of the following formats would you use?
    Business letter
    Cover business letter with the progress report as a separate, attached document

  8. Check the other sections that should be included in a progress report are:
    Project description
    Explanation of methodology
    Background on the problem

  9. Check each of the following that you should consider including in the introduction to a progress report:
    Project purpose and objectives
    Source of information about the project
    Limitations and key dates for the project
    Expenditures to date for the project
    Organizations: who's doing the work; for whom it's being done
    Overview of the contents of the progress report
    Listing of equipment and supplies required by the project

  10. Progress reports also help the people who write them; check the following that describe how a progress report is advantageous to its writers:
    Enables them to know how the project is going.
    Enables them to go on record as to any problems in the project.
    Enables them to document any changes required by the client.
    Enables them to know whether the project is on time and within budget.

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