Carol N. Brand

2201 Silvermine Lane
Austin, Texas 78700
(000) 000-0000

Objective To utilize my writing and graphic illustration skills and experience to pursue a career in Graphic Design or Technical Writing.

  • Over three years of diverse technical writing and graphic illustration experience
  • Excellent business writing and communication skills
  • Extremely detail-oriented and organized

Professional Experience
Oct 1994 to present Project AdministratorAustin, Texas
Dell Computer Corporation (Portables Industrial Design & Product Development): Establish company processes through analysis, development and implementation. Draft budgets and schedules for various programs and projects (Excel and MS Project). Track and audit products as they move through the phase review process. Maintain technology roadmaps for Portables Department (drafted in Powerpoint).
Mar - Sept 1994 General Manager/Office ManagerAustin, Texas
Object International (object-oriented software company): Managed small software company including product marketing, generating copy and artwork for magazines (8 publications) in PageMaker software, human resources, supervision of employees, coordination of all aspects of trade shows and conferences.
Jan 1992 - Mar 1994 Office Manager/Technical WriterAustin, Texas
International Software Systems Inc. (computer software company): Managed facility of 65 people including human resources, benefits, facilities, security, and produced white papers, government contracts and documentation. Also served as a member of the technical writing team in creating software manuals and "how to" guides in FrameMaker.
Sept 1989 - Dec 1991 Administrative SecretaryAustin, Texas
Fluid Conservation Systems (high-tech engineering firm): Drafted documentation and presentations (in Word Perfect), coordinated training schedules (for customers), supported 15 people, maintained databases and elaborate utility files.

Dec 1997 AA in Communications at Austin Community College
1997-1999 Pursuing Bachelor's Degree in Communications at the University of Texas

Seminars and Courses in Project Management
May - July 1996 Project Management Institute Certification Courses (PMI) (includes budgets, contracts, risk assessment, schedules and communication)
Apr 1996 Project Management Fundamentals (Dell University) (includes Dell-specific budget, schedule, and project information)
Feb 1996 Planning and Managing Projects (IPS/Dell University) (advanced version of previous seminar)

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